The Beagle Story | Entrepreneurship Tips

Allow me a short story about our beagle, Joey.   Joey came to us as a rescue, some years ago, and we had many adventures with him, including beagle hunting on the farm Anura in Klapmuts (near Paarl and Stellenbosch). 

A few years ago Joey’s back got paralyzed, to the point that he could not walk, because of a condition call Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD).

The Vets did not give him a chance and told my wife to put him to sleep.  My wife refused and decided to find other solutions.  She chose not to opt into the easy option.

Many people criticised her on doing that and posting nasty comments on social media and through text messages to her.  

After doing research and forming her own opinion, she started taking Joey to water therapy and physio every week.  Week after week the improvement of Joey could be seen, and I am happy to say today he can walk, and even run. 

As with the beagle and my wife, I want to suggest to you that the general public opinion is not always correct.  In fact, I believe, if we go the opposite way of 95% of the population, we will see the result of only a few.  Do not settle for what is being sold to us daily.  Don’t buy into the news and social media, full of propaganda, and all they want to sell us.

Please use this website with information to your benefit as an entrepreneur, and feel free to contact me with any questions.
