8 big ideas | In praise of Slow | Carl Honore | Entrepreneur SA

During 2017 I had a burnout and found this gem of a book in a slow market in Muizenberg, Cape Town.

8 Big ideas from the book, In praise of slow by Carl Honore.


1.     Technology is a false friend.  Even when it does save you time, it often spoils the the effect by generating a whole new set of duties and desires.

(My words adding to this: Let technology be your servant and not your master.  Let it assist you serving others with your passion and purpose, but not take over your life in general)


2.     When you accelerate things that need not be accelerated, when we forget how to slow down, there is a price to pay.

3.     Carl mentioned he cook, read and switch off his phone more often.

(My words adding to points 2 and 3:  I equipped my life with some structures to assist and forcing me in slowing down.  I recently bought myself an old school coffee grinder, one of those you still use manually.  I slow me down to the point I savour every part of making my only 2 cups of coffee per day)


1.     Long hours on the job are making us unproductive, error prone, unhappy and ill.

2.     Overwork is a health hazard.  It leaves us with less time and energy for exercise.  It also makes us more likely to consume too much alcohol or reach for convivence foods.

3.     A Life of hurry can become superficial.

4.     Man measures time and time measures man.

(My words adding to points 4 - 7:  I opted in the idea of a 5 massive hours workday.  Surround yourself with a powerful team and create life structures to support your longevity in your personal life and business. By using the pareto law as life principle, I created a world I love to live in.)


5.     Technology has allowed word to seep into our every corner of our life.  In the age of the information super highway,  there is nowhere to hide from email and phone calls.

(My words adding to this: About 3 years ago I took of my work email from my phone.  I check my WhatsApp’s twice a day.  In the words of Jim Rohn : When you work work.  When you play, play.  Never mix the two.   

In appointing my own EA/PA,  I got him to handle the most traffic from my shoulders.  This allowed me to focus on the most important work.)


I hope these 8 big ideas on In Praise of Slow, by Carl Honore has been valuable to you as well.

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